CA Metocean
Bahrain PJT- Topside Transportation & Floatover Installation (2017)

Bahrain PJT- Topside Transportation & Floatover Installation (2017)


Tow route criteria was required along a route from Thailand to Bahrain. Tow route criteria was required for twelve departure dates, the 1st of each calendar month, and two transportation speeds. Additionally, site specific fatigue and extreme MetOcean criteria was required at the installation site.

Scope of Work

CA Metocean was appointed by Oceanus Co. Ltd to provide the necessary metocean data including:

  • 10-year cyclone and non-cyclone extremes at the worst route sector, as appropriate
  • Exposure adjusted transportation design criteria for non-cyclone conditions
  • Fatigue data along the route including: omni-directional and directional tables showing relative frequency of significant wave height (Hs) versus peak period (Tp),  table of significant wave height (Hs) versus direction and table of 1-minute mean wind speed versus direction. Directions in 8 sectors with respect to transport heading

Key Features

  • Model hindcast data as well as satellite and cyclone data were retrieved along the route
  • Wave and wind hindcast data was calibrated at each route sector by comparing against satellite measured co-located data
  • Cyclone “affected” data was removed from the hindcast using IBTrACS information to identify cyclones to be removed and non-cyclonic extremes derived
  • Cyclonic extremes were derived using parametric models at each route sector
  • Adjusted extremes were derived following DNV Marine operations guideline DNV-ST-N001.