CA Metocean develops and maintains its own tools, implemented with MATLABĀ® and Python, which are used to access readily available data online (hindcast and satellite measurements) as well as to analyse the data extracted. Some of the typical analysis performed include:
- Extreme Analysis of time series (POT and CFD)
- Wave spectum partitioning
- Generation of contour maps showing mean or extreme conditions of Metocean parameters across an area
- Generation of operability maps based on operation limits (drilling rig limits) and extreme conditions across an area
- Taylor diagrams
- Monte Carlo simulations
- K-Means (KMA) and Maximum dissimilarity (MDA) algorithms for selection of representative cases
- Radial Basis Functions for time series reconstruction
- Associated Extremes (IFORM)
- ISO compliant Hmax and crest elevation
New tools can be developed ad-hoc to suit the specific requirements of any particular project.