In these studies a detailed analysis of site specific data (including measurements if available) is performed to support engineering design and field operations. They provide a range of MetOcean and environmental parameters, derived using state of the art methods.
Deliverables are MetOcean design criteria at one or several locations. Extremes are provided at requested return periods, optionally split by directions or seasons. Additionally, fatigue and environmental data can also be produced, tailored to Client’s requirements.
They typically include:
- Extreme wind, wave, water levels and currents at requested averaging periods
- Vertical wind profile definition
- ISO-compliant maximum wave height and crest elevation
- Wave spectral analysis
- 2D and 3D I-FORM contours (Hs vs. Tp, Hs vs. Tp & Wind Speed,)
- Associated extremes (Hs-Wind Speed, Hs-Current, Wind speed-Current, etc)
- Split of cyclonic and non-cyclonic conditions as appropriate
- Measured time series gap-filling (by means of Radial Basis Function)
- Profile characterization or selection of representative cases (by means of Maximum Dissimilarity or K-Means Algorithms)
- Fatigue data (frequency distributions, percentage exceedence, misalignment tables, roses, etc)
- Individual waves
- Wave and flow numerical modelling as appropriate
Such studies typically take around 2-8 weeks.